Seminars and events for companies and private-lessons for individuals

Tai Chi, Chi Kung, breathing, meditation or self-defense can be part of the program we put together for your seminar, retreat or your company event. Our pool of trainers and speakers consists of experienced martial arts professionals as well as medical doctors who are familiar with the situation managers are confronted with in their daily lifes. Participants benefit from individual and practical exercises that enable them to cope with pressure, stress and strain.

Coaching for executives

The dynamics and complexity of the everyday life of executives require effective regeneration. Dealing with mental and emotional stress can be practiced and energy for the daily challenges can be gained with simple methods. We adapt to your situation and accompany you until you no longer need us. Further course concepts on request.


We offer tailor-made solutions. Contact us:

Email Dr. Martin Pfiffner.


Courses for emergency personnel

Emergency reception and rescue personnel are often exposed to physical assault, but not trained for it. We offer a remedy in the form of an evening course. Further course concepts on request.

Courses for security personnel

Security service personnel are often trained in martial arts rather than self-defense. But on the street there is no sportiness and no rules. We train you realistically and prepare you for life-threatening situations. Further course concepts on request.

Private-Lessons for individuals

If you are interested in private-lessons in martial arts, both the selfdefense or the energy-part of it, or if you are looking for a selfdefence and martial arts teacher for your kids, we can arrange a first meeting with one of our english-speaking instructors.

Please contact us here Email Dr. Martin Pfiffner.

Our group courses are generally held in Swiss-German, but participation for english speaking individuals has never been a problem, since techniques are understood directly through the movement, rather than by talking about them.